To seek admission in BVoc. Course, a candidate shall have passed the qualifying examination of Standard XII – 10+2 pattern from any stream (Commerce, Arts, Science, Vocation and Home Science) and ITI or Diploma equivalent from any board (CBSE/GSHSEB/ICSE/NIOS).


  • To get admission, a candidate shall complete the online registration on the GCAS Portal Website i.e. within the given time period.
  • A candidate has to fill necessary information and upload requisite certificates and testimonies as specified in the application form.
  • A candidate shall require to complete the payment to finalize the registration on the portal.
  • An acknowledgement receipt of the fees paid for the same shall be generated online.
  • When a candidate has made more than one registration, the registration made at the latest stage shall be taken into consideration and the other registration shall be treated as cancelled.
  • Uploaded documents will be verified by GTU/GTU affiliated Institutes. Students do not need to come to GTU for documents verification.
  • It is mandatory for a student to register on the GCAS Portal for Merit Quota, Vacant Quota and Management Quota admission.


  1. Mark sheet : H.S.C. Examination (Standard 12th – 10+2 Pattern) or Diploma (10+3)
  2. Mark sheet : S.S.C Examination (Standard 10th)
  3. Conversion Certificate of CGPA / Grade Point to Percentage, if applicable.
  4. Caste certificate for a candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC), issued by the authority empowered by the Government in this behalf, if applicable.
  5. Valid Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate (for OBC/SEBC applicant) of the family by the authority empowered by the Government in this behalf, if applicable.
  6. Certificate of Physical Disability, issued and duly signed by the Civil Surgeon/Medical authority, in case of a Physically Handicapped candidate.
  7. Certificate of Ex-Serviceman, duly issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board Gujarat State or by the District Sainik Welfare Officer, if applicable.
  8. Certificate of widows’ child and orphan.
  9. EWS Certificate issued and authorized by the competent authority which should be valid as per Govt. Resolution from time to time.
  10. A copy of certificate of In-Serviceman duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which they are serving, if applicable.
  11. Income Certificate.
  12. Such other certificates as the Admission Committee deems necessary.
  13. Two passport photographs

Note: All attempt(s) certificate(s) are required in case of more than one trial in S.S.C and/or H.S.C. Examination(s).


Sr NoBranchSeatFees
1Software Development60Rs. 36750 (per year)