Admission Procedure for Diploma

The candidate seeking admission after SSC should apply at Gujarat Admission Committee for Professional Diploma Courses (ACPDC). A grand merit list is prepared and Candidates get admission in branches of their choices at various colleges of Gujarat according to merit in council:

  • 50% of seats will be filled by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPDC), State Quota.
  • 50% of seats will be filled by Management, at institute level.

Eligibility for Admission for Diploma Courses

A candidate seeking admission to any branch of Diploma program must have passed the Secondary Certificate Examination – SSC (10th).

Courses Offered - Diploma in Engineering (D. E.)

The diploma programs offered by the institute are as following:

Sr NoBranchSeat
1Automobile Engineering60
2Civil Engineering60
3Electrical Engineering60
4Mechanical Engineering120


The candidate shall submit the self-attested copies of the following documents along with the print out of the registration form at the Help Center, namely:-

  • S.S.C. Examination (Std. X) Mark-sheet,
  • School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate,
  • Caste certificate for a candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC), Economically Weaker Section (EWS) issued by the authority empowered by the State Government in this behalf
  • Non Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate of the family, valid as per State Government Rules, by the authority empowered by the State Government in this behalf,
  • Certificate of Physical Disability, issued and duly signed by the Civil Surgeon/ competent Medical Authority, in case the candidate is a Physically Handicapped
  • Certificate of Ex-Serviceman, duly issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board, Gujarat State or by the District Sainik Welfare Officer,
  • A copy of certificate of In-Serviceman duly issued by the Commanding Officer of the respective unit in which he is serving,
  • A copy of valid certificate of income issued by the authority empowered by the State Government in this behalf, if applicable
  • Photograph of candidate for other State / other than Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary School Examination Board, and
  • Such other certificates as the Admission Committee deems necessary.
  • Two passport photographs


Rs. 45150 (per year)